I bought a snow globe for my daughter for Christmas.
Of course, as a counselor, I thought that it would be a great tool for her to use when she is feeling anxious (in addition to it being adorable!).
Breathe In -- Shake up the snow globe
Breathe Out -- Watch the snow drift and fall gently
On this particular morning, I picked up her snow globe.
The house was quiet and still.
I kept turning the snow globe over and over, breathing IN and OUT.
Following the Directions.
I began reflecting on 2018 and my "One Word," Opportunity
(* see my post from January 2018 on my blog)
But I wasn't feeling happy, or relaxed.
Not even content.
I was angry
And disappointed.
Yes, there were many opportunities for me in 2018.
I guess there was a part of me that just wanted to have more positive and fruitful opportunities.
And there were.
But there was also a huge emotional host of other opportunities.
There were job changes that came with close friendships ending along with financial uncertainty.
There were physical and emotional injuries.
There was illness...
(a lot of illness.)
And there was death.
Logically I know that this is Life.
Things happen.
But, 2018 had been one difficult other opportunity after another and that takes a toll.
And today was my tipping point.
As I turned the snow globe over and over and watched the snow drift and fall over the sweet unicorns in their safe content world, I thought to myself:
"Eventually, things settle down." (just like the snow in the snow globe)
Then, another thought popped up:
"Yes, but eventually things get kicked up again." (just like the snow in the snow globe)
I know that's negative...
...that Glass-Half-Empty kinda attitude.
But then a word was whispered into my ear:
Instead of carrying this heavy load of hardship on my back, I needed to trust that the load would be lightened.
I needed to trust that I could get through the emotional quicksand without sinking deep into the mire.
I needed to trust that Life was going to happen anyway even if what I really want is to live in the safe, content snow globe world with unicorns.
I needed to trust that I could look at my perceptions and make a choice about how I was going to feel and handle situations.
I needed to trust that I wouldn't feel this way forever and that I could cope.
I have all of 2019 to work on this "one word."
To work on implementing and re-building my trust.
I shake the snow globe up one more time before I hear our kitty, Milhaus, meowing for breakfast.
The day has begun...
Breathe In -- Shake up the snow globe
Breathe Out -- Watch the snow drift and fall gently